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Where we answer the question:  

“What would a dog do?”

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Have you ever met someone and immediately "hit it off"?  The two of you "thought alike", and communicating with that person was easy.  Or, perhaps you experienced just the opposite feeling.  Even before being formally introduced to someone, you received "bad vibes" from him or her.  Moreover, even after being introduced, you found yourself still not caring for them.  Something about them "rubbed you the wrong way"?  

While a variety of factors could be influencing your reaction, in many cases what you were reacting to was that individual's "social style" or their "behavioral preferences".  Research has shown that others react to you, and draw conclusions about you, mainly from your behaviors.  Your actions have a significant effect on your success in dealing with others.

In this workshop you will learn how your “behavioral preferences” influence your preferred style of leadership.  An understanding of this topic is critical to the success of anyone seeking to assume a leadership role.  Knowledge of this topic can help you understand why you prefer one supervisory style to another, and lead you to make an informed choice on what behaviors are most appropriate.

Different Dogs - different training styles



Different People - different leadership styles

What breed of dog best describes your preferred style of leadership?

Are your employees:

Jack Russell Terriers?

Border Collies?


Cocker Spaniels?

Do you know what your preferred style of leadership is?  Do you know why it’s important that you know the answer to this question? Learn the answer to these questions and more in this training program.

image of different dog breeds
Igor Zakowski -