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Personal and Personal Development Training, Seminars and Presentations


Where we answer the question:  

“What would a dog do?”

The Canine Way

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OUR GOAL at The Canine Way Training Center is to offer fun and innovation ways of enhancing “people skills” by answering the question, ”What would a dog do?”  It is amazing what we can learn from our 4-footed friends if we would only listen.

Our focus is on "softskills" training.  Softskills refer to those non-technical skills that enable people to perform their job responsibilities at a higher level of proficiency.  Examples include interpersonal communication skills, public speaking, presentation skills, effective time management, providing quality customer service and other, critical, "people" skills.

How important are these skills?

We believe, and events in the workplace support our observations, that no matter how technically competent or dedicated people may be, without such skills nothing will change - nothing will improve.

The Canine Way provides workshops, seminars and presentations that focus on these critical productivity skills.


It is our belief that businesses would have more effective and talented leaders if they required those in positions of authority to prove they could train and motivate a dog. You can learn much from the way a person responds to, treats and communicates with a dog. It speaks volumes about their character. It shows how well they deal with challenging situations, whether they process a degree of patience, and, maybe, most importantly, whether they have a sense of humor!

For more information...Click Here


What Can You Learn From a Dog?...

Anatolian Shepherd Puppies

Some of our past students

Well, not really, but they are cute.To learn more about them visit: